XL Urchin Squishy & Grinder by Something Squishy Toys


This friendly silicone version of a sea urchin has lots of little spikes that are great for fumbling and fiddling. Apart from being a wonderful grinder*, it doubles as a squishy desk object, stimming toy, lucky charm, conversation starter (did you know that the round thing on her back isn't an eye at all, but her anus?), and and and...

Something Squishy Toys is a small one-woman business and asexual dildo maker based in Philadelphia, offering a collection of eccentric hand-moulded dildos and squishies made from Platinum Cure silicone. Not only does SST want people to have access to safe toys, but they also embrace the idea that they don't necessarily have to look like sex toys. All SST products are made from 100% silicone ("platinum cure" and certified skin safe) and are coloured exclusively with ethical pigments.


Width: 12 cm

Height: 6.4 cm

*Grinders are usually non-vibrating sex toys that are used for external stimulation by rubbing or pressing against the genitals.


