Constellations board game from Gender Games


Please note: although this game claims to be for people in all types of relationships, we found that the questions are most suitable for non-monogamous and polyamorous folks.

Constellations is a card game that takes you through 200 real situations and a galaxy of emotions. The goal? To discuss with one another to explore the multitudes of relationships, whether they be monogamous or not, without seeking one perfect answer, and without seeking to win.

How to play ?

The game is easy to understand. You can play alone, with complete strangers or with your friends, your significant other(s) or whoever you want. Each of you pick a card and choose a situation or theme on it that will be the foundation of your exchange.

The galaxy of emotions is there to help you put your feelings into words, to help you express yourself or even just to aid you in understanding how you feel about certain things. Place your marker on the board and figure out how you feel.

What’s in the box?

The Galaxy of Emotions: a game board and tokens to choose the emotions most appropriate for each situation.

92 Situations cards with two different situations on each card to explore the various nuances of non-monogamous relationships. Some of them are Nova cards: they are relatively accessible even if you have never been in a non-monogamous relationship. The others are Supernova cards: they can be a little bit more complex, with more emotionally intense situations and are appropriate for people who already know about non-monogamous relationships.

18 Interlude cards with a specific theme on each card for taking a break to share anecdotes and tips.

A booklet: with the author’s foreword, the gameplay explanation, and a glossary, to gain a better understanding of the game.


